John Wesley Harding – Thee, Jesu, Thee, The Sinner's Friend lyrics

Album: Hymns

1 THEE, Jesu, thee, the sinner's friend,
I follow on to apprehend,
Renew the glorious strife;
Divinely confident and bold,
With faith's strong arm on thee lay hold,
Thee my eternal life.

2 Thy heart, I know, thy tender heart
Doth in my sorrows feel its part,
And at my tears relent;
My powerful sighs thou canst not bear
Nor stand the violence of my prayer,
My prayer omnipotent.

3 Give me the grace, the love I claim;
Thy Spirit now demands thy name;
Thou know'st the Spirit's will;
He helps my souls infirmity,
And strongly intercedes for me
With groans unspeakable.

4 Prisoner of hope, to thee I turn,
And, calmly confident, I mourn,
And pray, and weep for thee:
Tell me thy love, thy secret tell,
Thy mystic name in me reveal,
Reveal thyself in me.

5 Descend, pass by me, and proclaim,
O Lord of hosts, thy glorious name,
The Lord, the gracious Lord,
Long-suffering, merciful, and kind;
The God who always bears in mind
His everlasting word.

6 Plenteous he is in truth and grace;
He wills that all the fallen race
Should turn, repent, and live;
His pardoning grace for all is free;
Transgression, sin, iniquity,
He freely doth forgive.

7 Mercy he doth for thousands keep;
He goes and seeks the one lost sheep,
And brings his wanderer home;
And every soul that sheep might be:
Come then, my Lord, and gather me,
My Jesus, quickly come!

Submitted by Guest