John Wesley Harding – O Jesus My Hope lyrics
1 O JESUS my Hope,
For me offered up,
Who with clamour pursued thee to Calvary's top,
The blood thou hast shed,
For me let it plead,
And declare thou hast died in thy murderer's stead.
2 Come then from above,
Its hardness remove,
And vanquish my heart with the sense of thy love;
Thy love on the tree
Display unto me.
And the servant of sin in a moment is free.
3 Neither passion nor pride
Thy cross can abide,
But melt in the fountain that streams from thy side;
Let thy life-giving blood
Remove all my load,
And purge my foul conscience, and bring me to God.
4 Now, now let me know
Its virtue below,
Let it wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow;
Let it hallow my heart,
And throughly convert,
And make me, O Lord, in the world as thou art.
5 Each moment applied
My weakness to hide,
Thy blood be upon me, and always abide,
My Advocate prove
With the Father above,
And speak me at last to the throne of thy love.
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