John Wesley Harding – How Can A Sinner Know lyrics
1 HOW can a sinner know
His sins on earth forgiven?
How can my gracious Saviour show
My name inscribed in heaven?
What we have felt and seen,
With confidence we tell;
And publish to the sons of men
The signs infallible.
2 We who in Christ believe
That he for us hath died,
We all his unknown peace receive,
And feel his blood applied;
Exults our rising soul,
Disburdened of her load,
And swells unutterably full
Of glory and of God.
3 His love, surpassing far
The love of all beneath,
We find within our hearts, and dare
The pointless darts of death:
Stronger than death and hell
The mystic power we prove;
And conquerors of the world, we dwell
In heaven, who dwell in love.
4 We by his Spirit prove
And know the things of God,
The things which freely of his love
He hath on us bestowed;
His Spirit to us he gave,
And dwells in us, we know;
The witness in ourselves we have,
And all its fruits we show.
5 The meek and lowly heart
That in our Saviour was,
To us his Spirit doth impart,
And signs us with his cross:
Our nature's turned, our mind
Transformed in all its powers;
And both the witnesses are joined,
The Spirit of God with ours.
6 Whate'er our pardoning Lord
Commands, we gladly do;
And guided by his sacred word,
We all his steps pursue:
His glory our design,
We live our God to please;
And rise with filial fear divine,
To perfect holiness.
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- Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid
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- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!