John Wesley Harding – Head Of Thy Church, Whose Spirit Fills lyrics
Album: Hymns
1 HEAD of thy church, whose Spirit fills
And flows through every faithful soul,
Unites in mystic love, and seals
Them one, and sanctifies the whole;
2 "Come, Lord," thy glorious Spirit cries,
And souls beneath the altar groan;
"Come, Lord," the bride on earth replies,
"And perfect all our souls in one."
3 Pour out the promised gift on all,
Answer the universal "Come!"
The fulness of the Gentiles call,
And take thine ancient people home.
4 To thee let all the nations flow,
Let all obey the gospel word;
Let all their bleeding Saviour know,
Filled with the glory of the Lord.
5 O for thy truth and mercy's sake
The purchase of thy passion claim!
Thine heritage the Gentiles take,
And cause the world to know thy name.
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