John Wesley Harding – Happy Soul Who Sees The Day lyrics
1 HAPPY soul who sees the day,
The glad day of gospel grace!
Thee, my Lord (thou then wilt say)
Thee will I for ever praise;
Though thy wrath against me burned,
Thou dost comfort me again;
All thy wrath aside is turned,
Thou hast blotted out my sin.
2 Me, behold! thy mercy spares,
Jesus my salvation is:
Hence my doubts, away my fears!
Jesus is become my peace:
JAH, JEHOVAH, is my Lord,
Ever merciful and just;
I will lean upon his word,
I will on his promise trust.
3 Strong I am, for he is strong,
Just in righteousness divine:
He is my triumphal song;
All he has, and is, is mine;
Mine, and yours, whoe'er believe;
On his name whoe'er shall call
Freely shall his grace receive;
He is full of grace for all.
4 Therefore shall ye draw with joy
Water from salvation's well;
Praise shall your glad tongues employ,
While his streaming grace ye feel:
Each to each ye then shall say,
"Sinners, call upon his name;
O rejoice to see his day,
See it, and his praise proclaim!"
5 Glory to his name belongs,
Great, and marvelous, and high;
Sing unto the Lord your songs,
Cry to every nation, cry!
Wondrous things the Lord hath done,
Excellent his name we find;
This to all mankind is known;
Be it known to all mankind!
6 Zion, shout thy Lord and King,
Israel's HOLY ONE is he!
Give him thanks, rejoice, and sing;
Great he is, and dwells in thee.
O the grace unsearchable!
While eternal ages roll,
God delights in man to dwell,
Soul of each believing soul.
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- Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid
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- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!