John Wesley Harding – Fountain Of Life And All My Joy lyrics
1 FOUNTAIN of life and all my joy,
Jesus, thy mercies I embrace;
The breath thou giv'st, for thee employ,
And wait to taste thy perfect grace;
No more forsaken and forlorn,
I bless the day that I was born.
2 Preserved through faith by power divine,
A miracle of grace I stand!
I prove the strength of Jesus mine!
Jesus, upheld by thy right hand,
Though in my flesh I feel the thorn,
I bless the day that I was born.
3 Weary of life, through inbred sin,
I was, but now defy its power;
When as a flood the foe comes in,
My soul is more than conqueror;
I tread him down with holy scorn,
And bless the day that I was born.
4 Come, Lord, and make me pure within,
And let me now be filled with God!
Live to declare I'm saved from sin:
And if I seal the truth with blood,
My soul, from out the body torn,
Shall bless the day that I was born.
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