John Wesley Harding – Feeble In Body And In Mind lyrics
1 FEEBLE in body and in mind,
Saviour, I cast them both on thee,
With humble confidence to find
Thy perfect strength displayed in me.
2 Entangled in the worldly snare,
With sore perplexity distrest,
O'erwhelmed with mountain-loads of care
Beneath thy mercy's wings I rest.
3 Thou seest I know not what to do,
But fix mine eyes on thee alone,
Till thou thy secret counsel show,
And bring the blind by ways unknown.
4 If thou direct my path aright,
If thou before thy servant go,
The darkness shall be turned to light,
The mountains at thy presence flow.
5 The crooked things shall at thy word
Be straight, the rugged places plain,
The creatures all obey their Lord,
And be whate'er thy will ordain:
6 My soul, escaped the fowler's net,
Above all earthly things shall soar,
Or fall at my Deliverer's feet,
And love, and wonder, and adore
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