John Wesley Harding – Father Of Earth And Sky lyrics
1 FATHER of earth and sky,
Thy name we magnify:
O that earth and heaven might join,
Thy perfections to proclaim;
Praise the attributes divine,
Fear and love thy awful name!
2 When shall thy Spirit reign
In every heart of man?
Father, bring the kingdom near,
Honour thy triumphant Son;
God of heaven, on earth appear,
Fix with us thy glorious throne.
3 Thy good and holy will
Let all on earth fulfil;
Men with minds angelic vie,
Saints below with saints above,
Thee to praise and glorify,
Thee to serve with perfect love.
4 This day with this day's bread
Thy hungry children feed;
Fountain of all blessings, grant
Now the manna from above;
Now supply our bodies' want,
Now sustain our souls with love.
5 Our trespasses forgive:
And when absolved we live,
Thou our life of grace maintain;
Lest we from our God depart,
Lose thy pardoning grace again,
Grant us a forgiving heart.
6 In every fiery hour
Display thy guardian power;
Near in our temptation stay,
With sufficient strength defend;
Bring us through the evil day,
Make us faithful to the end.
7 Father, by right divine
Assert the kingdom thine;
Jesus, Power of God, subdue
Thy own universe to thee;
Spirit of grace and glory too,
Reign through all eternity.
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- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid
- Rejoice, The Lord Is King
- Long Have I Seemed To Serve Thee, Lord
- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!