John Wesley Harding – Eternal Lord Of Earth And Skies lyrics
1 ETERNAL Lord of earth and skies,
We wait thy Spirit's latest call:
Bid all our fallen race arise,
Thou who hast purchased life for all;
Whose only name, to sinners given,
Snatches from hell, and lifts to heaven.
2 The word thy sacred lips has past,
The sure irrevocable word,
That every soul shall bow at last,
And yield allegiance to its Lord;
The kingdoms of the earth shall be
For ever subjected to thee.
3 Jesus, for this we still attend,
Thy kingdom in the isles to prove;
The law of sin and death to end,
We wait for all the power of love,
The law of perfect liberty,
The law of life which is in thee.
4 O might it now from thee proceed,
With thee, into the souls of men!
Throughout the world thy gospel spread;
And let thy glorious Spirit reign,
On all the ransomed race bestowed;
And let the world be filled with God!
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