John Wesley Harding – Come, Thou Conqueror Of The Nations lyrics
1 COME, thou Conqueror of the nations,
Now on thy white horse appear;
Earthquakes, dearths, and desolations
Signify thy kingdom near:
True and faithful!
Stablish thy dominion here.
2 Thine the kingdom, power, and glory;
Thine the ransomed nations are;
Let the heathen fall before thee,
Let the isles thy power declare;
Judge and conquer
All mankind in righteous war.
3 Thee let all mankind admire,
Object of our joy and dread!
Flame thine eyes with heavenly fire,
Many crowns upon thy head;
But thine essence
None, except thyself, can read.
4 Yet we know our Mediator,
By the Father's grace bestowed;
Meanly clothed in human nature,
Thee we call the Word of God;
Flesh thy vesture,
Dipped in thy own sacred blood.
5 Captain, God of our salvation,
Thou who hast the wine-press trod,
Borne the Almighty's indignation,
Quenched the fiercest wrath of God,
Take the kingdom,
Claim the purchase of thy blood.
6 On thy thigh and vesture written,
Show the world thy heavenly name,
That, with loving wonder smitten,
All may glorify the Lamb;
All adore thee,
All the Lord of hosts proclaim.
7 Honour, glory, and salvation
To the Lord our God we give;
Power, and endless adoration,
Thou art worthy to receive;
Reign triumphant,
King of kings, for ever live!
Top John Wesley Harding songs
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- How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds
- Great God Of Wonders! All Thy Ways
- Go Labour On; Spend, And Be Spent
- Give Me The Wings Of Faith To Rise
- Pleasant Are Thy Courts Above
- Abide With Me! Fast Falls The Eventide
- Father, I Know That All My Life
- All Things Are Possible To Him
- Rock Of Ages, Cleft For Me,
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid
- Rejoice, The Lord Is King
- Long Have I Seemed To Serve Thee, Lord
- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!