John Wesley Harding – Come, O Thou Prophet Of The Lord lyrics
Album: Hymns
1 COME, O thou Prophet of the Lord,
Thou great Interpreter divine,
Explain thine own transmitted word,
To teach and to inspire is thine;
Thou only canst thyself reveal,
Open the book, and loose the seal.
2 Whate'er the ancient prophets spoke
Concerning thee, O Christ, make known;
Chief subject of the sacred book,
Thou fillest all, and thou alone;
Yet there our Lord we cannot see,
Unless thy Spirit lend the key.
3 Now, Jesus, now the veil remove,
The folly of our darkened heart;
Unfold the wonders of thy love,
The knowledge of thyself impart;
Our ear, our inmost soul, we bow,
Speak, Lord, thy servants hearken now.
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