John Wesley Harding – Christ, From Whom All Blessings Flow lyrics
1 CHRIST, from whom all blessings flow,
Perfecting the saints below,
Hear us, who thy nature share,
Who thy mystic body are.
2 Join us, in one spirit join,
Let us still receive of thine;
Still for more on thee we call;
Thou who fillest all in all.
3 Closer knit to thee, our Head;
Nourish us, O Christ, and feed!
Let us daily growth receive,
More and more in Jesus live.
4 Jesus, we thy members are,
Cherish us with kindest care,
Of thy flesh and of thy bone,
Love, for ever love thine own!
5 Move, and actuate, and guide:
Divers gifts to each divide;
Placed according to thy will,
Let us all our work fulfil;
6 Never from our office move,
Needful to each other prove;
Use the grace on each bestowed,
Tempered by the art of God.
7 Sweetly may we all agree,
Touched with softest sympathy;
Kindly for each other care;
Every member feel its share.
8 Wounded by the grief of one,
Now let all the members groan;
Honoured if one member is,
All partake the common bliss.
9 Many are we now and one,
We who Jesus have put on;
There is neither bond nor free,
Male nor female, Lord, in thee!
10 Love, like death, hath all destroyed,
Rendered all distinctions void;
Names, and sects, and parties fall:
Thou, O Christ, art all in all!
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- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid
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- Long Have I Seemed To Serve Thee, Lord
- Jesus, Let Me Bless Thy Name!