David Bridie – The Tender Trap lyrics
dive into the tender trap by the wild sagasso sea,
by the wild sagasso sea
the factory orange sky alight burning with possibilities all night
it’s only when the darkness falls maybe you will come to me,
maybe you will come for me somehow
fall into the tender trap
in the early afternoon, when the light is bleached and ruined
come when the quiet night rolls in
we’ll move amongst the buildings, parks and bars,
the buildings, parks and bars
its only when the darkness falls
that maybe you will come for me,
maybe you will come for me somehow
come into the tender trap I'll wait for you in my sleep,
wait patiently in my sleep,
for only there is quiet and warm
with nothing to disturb us there no alarm
it's only when this darkness falls
maybe you will come to me, maybe you will come for me
it's only when the darkness falls
in the wild sargasso sea maybe you will come for me somehow? somehow?