David Bowie – Do Anything You Say lyrics
Two by two, they go walking by
Hand in hand, they watch me cry
[Two by two, hand in hand]
Lonely nights, I dream you're there
Morning sun and you're gone
[Lonely nights, morning sun]
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
Do anything you say, do anything
One desire I ask of you
Please be mine, please be mine
[One desire, please be mine]
Thousand years and I'll return
You'll be mine, you'll be mine
[Thousand years, you'll be mine]
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
Do anything you say, do anything
Two by two they're walking by
Hand in hand, they watch me cry
[Two by two, hand in hand]
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
Do anything you say, do anything
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
[Maybe] I'll do anything you say
Do anything you say, do anything you say